Deeds, Not Creeds: The Slogan for Unbelief

You may have heard this latest catch-phrase being bantered about by various people — both in support and in opposition to the concept. This slogan effectively communicates in three short words a whole body of religious thought. It was a phrase first adopted by the Unitarian Universalists, but now has found its way into New Evangelical churches as well. For example, the Washington Post reported the following:

Emperor Constantine (center) and the Fathers of the First Council of Nicaea of 325 as holding the Niceno–Constantinopolitan Creed of 381

Rick Warren, a megachurch pastor and philanthropist who is courted by political leaders worldwide, says he thinks Christianity needs a “second Reformation” that would steer the church away from divisive politics and be “about deeds, not creeds.”

This slogan fits every-so-nicely into a growing Gnostic worldview — a worldview that erases all distinctions which, in this case, creeds effectively created. The ancient creeds, such as the Apostles Creed, Nicene Creed and the Chalcedon Creed were all written to battle Gnostic teachings that were propagated to undermine and destroy the Christian faith as articulated by the Apostles themselves.

These are the trusted and very dependable overhauls proffering elite erectile dysfunction treatments. cialis without The ageing male usa cheap viagra experiences a reduction in the levels of gonadotropins can actually lead to various other physical and psychological health problems if not addressed and treated. The application oil free levitra sample is done in a way that not only improves your sexual life, but also affect your self-esteem and confidence level by refraining you from indulging in any sexual activity. Affordability: Helping Relationships cialis 100mg tablets, the much publicized anti ED medicine is extremely expensive. Also, Creeds were created to affirm certain crucial historical events and the sovereign God who directed those events to occur. They summarized the facts of history, and as such, were not an affirmation of religious feelings or sentiments. They were affirming historical realities. So, when the Nicene Creed begins by stating ‘We believe’, one was affirming the reality of historic events.

We Christians like to talk about ‘preaching the gospel’, yet we miss the original meaning of the word, ‘gospel’. This word was used by the Roman world in a journalistic sense. It was a word to describe a very positive and noteworthy event. If the Roman army had successfully and decisively won a battle, the general would send a messenger back to Rome with a ‘gospel’ — that is, a report of the good news. This is why today, we sometimes say the ‘good news of the gospel’. Technically, this is redundant, because ‘gospel’ means ‘a good news report’. All of this is to make the point that the Christian Gospel is declaring to the world some very good news of certain historical events.

So, New Evangelicalism and the Emerging Church movements, who are moving the so-called Christian church toward ‘deeds, not creeds’, is really seeking to negate the importance of history — and specifically, the history related to Jesus Christ. Deeds cannot, and will not, ever, supplant the importance of the ‘gospel’ of Jesus Christ. We must always insist on belief in those historical events, as has been accurately and completely reported by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Deeds do not, in themselves, lead anyone to eternal life. In fact, they lead to eternal destruction. Creeds, to the extent they represent Biblical events (which the aforementioned creeds do), will indeed lead one to eternal life — if someone will merely BELIEVE them. And, that belief will result in deeds. Deeds must flow out of Creeds — otherwise, deeds are worthless.

So, I urge you to flee from New Evangelicalism and the Emerging Church. They are the modern-day expressions of Gnosticism. These settings will destroy you and your family.

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Friday Night Fights

My wife and I went to the movies last night which we haven’t done for some time. We both had had a long week and thought it’d be relaxing to go to the theater.

When we sat down, the young woman sitting immediately behind me decided to brace her feet on the back of my chair. I realized something was messed up, as I couldn’t recline back. As I fidgeted around, she ripped into me with a string of expletives. Apparently, she was entitled to have two seats — and I was taking one. At this point, my lovely wife came to my defense, and the argument was on.

All this reminded me of the article I read this week about the events in Great Britain over the course of the last few weeks. Perhaps you have seen the images of the looting, burning and general mayhem in the streets of their cities. What a scene it was to see!

But why? What’s this all about? The answer lies in the astute article written by Melanie Phillips in the Daily Mail. She correctly accuses liberalism as the root cause which has been fostering the corruption of their society for decades. You really need to read this article, because this is a portent of things to come to the USA. The youth of our two cultures have been raising themselves without any moral absolutes. So, we’re witnessing a real-life ‘Lord of the Flies’.

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This sounds all too familiar. Here in Colorado Springs, Sovereign Grace sponsored a meaty seminar on the corruption of the American churches, and advertised it extensively. The response was total, deafening silence. The churches of Colorado Springs couldn’t care less. They’re way too busy being therapeutic to concern themselves with theology.

So, we’re headed to the same end as Britain. It’s only a matter of time before America’s  youth burn our cities to the ground. They have no conscience, and liberalism’s agenda is to blame. My experience at the theater is a small foretaste of things to come.

Here’s Ms Phillip’s article….

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Back to the Books

Today, I’d like to put in a plug for Trinity Bible Institute which is direct ministry of Sovereign Grace Chapel. Classes will once again convene on Monday evening, September 5th. (For complete info, click here)

The Institute teaches Bible in full accordance to the doctrinal position of the SGC. This is an important point because any spiritual work that anyone undertakes must be under the direction and control of a church or a group of churches. The Lord Jesus established only one entity to carry out the work of Christianity, and that entity called ‘the Church’. Therefore, Bible institutes, seminaries, missionaries, and every other endeavor that goes forward under the banner of Christianity must be legitimized by the ‘Church’. Trinity Bible Institute was therefore established with this in mind.

This flies in the face of our current culture of para-church organizations, such as the Navigators, Youth for Christ, Young Life, Focus on the Family, Summit Ministries, Fuller Seminary and hundreds of others. If you look carefully, none of these ‘ministries’ are submissive to any church. They operate under the auspices of boards of directors, not boards of Elders. As a result, they are all illegitimate. I am convinced that God will not bless these works. This is why they all have lost their way, and are having zero impact on our world.

Submission to the church is one reason I believe in TBI and it’s mission.

TBI is a unique opportunity to learn the Bible in all it’s teachings. TBI approaches the Bible from the standpoint of inerrancy, as we are convinced that inerrancy must be the bedrock of any inquiry into the Scriptures. Any other approach is grievously in error and demonstrates a total lack of piety.

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TBI is a twelve year program and is designed so that the student may start at any point and begin his/her study. While twelve years may sound like a long time, we believe that it takes that amount of time cover a survey of all the information that every Christian needs to know. Furthermore, it takes that amount of time for someone to assimilate the information and allow it to shape and guide one’s life. It is our hope that at this end of the program, people will have absolute confidence in the Bible and in the God who gave it.

Getting an exposure to the entire field of knowledge pertaining to Christianity is yet another reason why I believe in TBI.

I have been attending TBI for almost 20 years, both as a student and as an instructor. I continue to attend and re-take courses because I always gain insight into things that I never saw before. The depth and riches of this type of study is incalculable, and I am living proof of it. I am now prepared to give an answer to anyone who asks about the reason for the hope that lies within.

Please consider attending this fall. I assure you, it will nourish your soul and cause you to grow beyond your expectations. Don’t let the token cost deceive you — others have paid tens of thousands of dollars to get what we almost give away. (For complete info, click here)

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The End of the Age

On Saturday, July 9th, Dr. Peter Jones joined Roger Evans, Dr. James Kirby and Carmen Rizzo in a day-long seminar on Gnosticism. What is Gnosticism, and who cares? Well, judging by our attendance, not many.

Our world is being destroyed around us — our political institutions, our culture, our national borders, our wealth. You name it, and it’s being attacked. And we spend a day on an ancient and long-forgotten religion. Are we crazy? Is this what Christianity has to offer — boring discussions about things that have no meaning? Couldn’t we find something more relevant to talk about?

But we believe that Gnosticism is at the heart of the problem. It is the elephant in the room. It’s the key to understanding the destruction of Western Civilization. It’s the key to understanding why Eastern Civilization has never really progressed.

You see, there’s real history and there’s fake history. True, orthodox Christianity is real history. It, and it alone, accurately reports history as is really happened — all the way back to the very beginning. Within that framework, comes the Gospel. ‘Gospel’ means nothing more that a favorable news report. It is a way of reporting actual events as they really happened, and that the events being reported are really good news.

Gnosticism is an imagined history. It distorts and perverts true history because of unrighteous motives. It redacts history. It interprets history in a false way, either by ignoring events, concocting events, exaggerating events, or down-playing events. This is what Liberalism does in our current day. And whenever people distort history, they impoverish themselves because they refuse to face reality.
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Of course, within this framework comes a distorted and perverted view of God. You cannot talk about history without talking about a deity or deities. Only true Christianity (I always have to say ‘true’, because there’s Gnostic versions of Christianity) presents God as He truly is. Any deviation from this view is, in essence, Gnostic.

So, we’re about to lose our freedoms, our national heritage, our Constitution, and our foundation of the family unit. This is because our nation has snubbed Christianity and the God of reality. So, as He has done in times past to other peoples, God is giving us a taste of the godless life. He’s going to rub our noses in Paganism, and it’s not going to be pretty. And Gnostic Christianity is going to get a snoot full as well.

This time around is going to be worse, though. We’re coming to the long-predicted end of the church age. We are witnessing the staging for the cataclysmic judgments of God that were revealed to the Apostle John and to Daniel of the Old Testament. John wrote things that were unfathomable in his time. He wrote about a one-world economy (no man may buy or sell without the mark of the beast), a one-world government (the rise of the antichrist), and a one-world religion (the harlot sitting on many waters). If I am interpreting history correctly, these correspond to the current banking takeover of the world’s economies, the U.N.’s Agenda 21 (and all its other efforts), and the merging of all religions into one entity by the ecumenical movement. All three elements are an orchestrated and coordinated effort.  These correlations are too obvious and too striking to miss.

Therefore, I do not believe there’s any turning back. We’ve always known these things would take place. Our hope and salvation lie in faith and repentance. We must believe that news report that came out of Jerusalem two thousand years ago. We must believe it, and we must change our lives in light of it. It’s the most profound news report of all time, and it must be interpreted correctly. Do not believe the Gnostic version of these events, else you fall under the same divine wrath that the Pagan is about to receive. But to everyone who believes it, they will escape the wrath to come. Simple faith — that’s all the Almighty requires.

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Gnosticism in Art — The Cherry Creek Arts Festival

'Removing the stones of Folly' by Tonja Doskova. A prime example of Pagan and Gnostic concepts

I have a great sense of urgency about The Trojan Horse in the Church Seminar we are hosting on July 9th.  I cannot think of a more important topic to discuss than that of the imminent destruction of Christianity.  The topic for discussion that day will be Gnosticism, that Pagan-corrupting influence on the people who profess to be believers.  These concerns were cemented in my mind this weekend when my wife and I attended the annual Cherry Creek Arts Festival.



We have come to this for several years, so we have a perspective on the types of works we would see.  It is a highly prized honor for artists to be invited to display and sell their art at this annual event. But things have really changed over the years — and not for the better.

Let me start by saying quite emphatically that the quality of the artists — the creativity, the talent and the artistic skill is as good, if not better than it has ever been.  These men and women are at the top of the art world.  Of that, I have no doubt.  But that’s not the issue.  The issue is that their Pagan worldview is busting out on their canvases, and its not a pretty sight.

To make my point, I must digress for a moment.  A couple of weeks ago, I had a real ‘ah-ha’ moment when I was reading Dr. Peter Jones’ book ‘One or Two’.  (By the way, he’s speaking at our seminar July 9th — you really don’t want to miss this opportunity!)  He codified something for me that I hadn’t considered before, and it’s really been an eye-opener for me.  If you can grasp this one concept  about Gnosticism, you’ll be miles ahead of the pack.  It’ll change the way you look at the Pagan world around you.

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Within His created world, He continued with a series of very significant distinctions.  When He created man, He made him His crowning glory of creation.  Still man is not God and God is not man.  They are very distinct.  Then he made a distinction between man and woman — man is not woman and woman is not man.  They are distinct.

Then he made distinctions in real estate.  He established nations and national borders.  Israel’s land and borders were to be distinct from every other nation’s land and borders.  He established distinctions between good and evil, right and wrong, mercy and justice, heaven and hell, mankind and animal-kind, life and death, saved and unsaved, love and hate, Jew and Gentile, the Church and the World, the narrow path and the broad road.  Distinctions, distinctions, distinctions.  They are everywhere if you just look for them.  This is the ‘two’ of Dr. Jones’ Book title.

This is where Gnosticism comes into play. Fundamentally, it is a Satanically-inspired attack on God, God’s people and God’s creation.  And what is its tactic?  Simple.  It seeks to destroy these very distinctions.  It wants to erase them, obscure them, merge them, confuse them or deny them.  And mankind is all too willing to go along.

Back to the Cherry Creek Arts Festival.  What we saw there were various forms of Gnostic distortions of God’s distinctions.  You have images of man confused with animals, man merged into a woman, the earth exalted as God, man elevated to Godhood, ugly merged with beauty, the sacred confused with the profane, death confused with life, and on and on.  The result is an art festival that impressed us as cold, stark, desolate, colorless, profane and altogether uninspiring.   Welcome to Paganism.

So, think about the healthy and wholesome distinctions that God established in the world.  There’s lots more than those I mentioned above.  And wherever you see a blurring of those distinctions, think Gnosticism!

This is where we’re headed as a culture unless the Christian church regains its senses and wages a holy war against the Trojan Horse.  The confusion of distinctions is everywhere in the Church.   Let’s begin by attending our seminar on July 9th.  These issues are way too important to ignore.  Please come.

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A Wild Goose Chase

Everyone knows what a wild goose chase is– running after something on the exact wrong road. Well then, consider the Wild Goose Festival going on in North Carolina as I write these words. This particular get-together is Gnosticism on steroids; it’s representative of where ‘Christianity’ is headed lest the Lord grants massive repentance. This ‘festival’ is a full-orbed example of the very thing our July 9th seminar is designed to confront – The Trojan Horse in the Church.

The purpose of the Wild Goose Festival is to ‘create a space for justice, spirituality, music and art’. If you take a look at the list of speakers, you’ll see a seemingly eclectic group — some environmentalists, some globalists, some theologians, some social activists, pastors, academics, film makers, and who-knows-what-else. But upon further examination, you’ll discover the common thread — they’re all Gnostics. As such, they are all very hostile to the historic, orthodox Christian faith.

To illustrate my point, let me highlight one of the speakers who provides a clear illustration that there’s two ‘Faiths’, two ‘Christs’, and two ‘Spirits’. Consider Frank Schaeffer.

To discuss Frank Schaeffer, one must back up first and discuss his father, Francis Schaeffer. Francis was one of Christianity’s great thinkers of the 20th century. He was a prodigious writer, pastor and founder of L’Abri in Switzerland, a community of Christian thought and living. He was a staunch defender of the historic Christian Faith. His seminal work is ‘How Should We Then Live? The Rise and Decline of Western Thought and Culture.‘ Any Christian who has not read this work (or watched the video) is really missing something special. Francis Schaeffer was a remarkable man and made many valuable and lasting contributions to the Church.
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What sad commentary it is that his son Frank has rejected the faith of his own father. In Frank’s own words, he’s a ‘surviver of Fundamentalism’. He has repudiated everything his father believed, and has struck out on an opposite path. How grieved his father would be to see where his son is today — on a wild goose chase. Frank fits in nicely with the others at this festival — he’s embraced the Gnostic Jesus.

You could’ve gone to this festival to pursue social justice and to commune with the god within. You might have found a place to help promote global peace and to fight global warming. You could have found common ground with all the other pilgrims on the many paths that lead to God. But, at the end of the day, you would discover that this is truly a wild goose chase.

However, there’s still an opportunity to attend Sovereign Grace Chapel’s seminar on the ‘Trojan Horse in the Church’. We intend to demonstrate to you quite clearly the stark contrast between the two ‘faiths’. The one we embrace is revealed in the pages of Scripture; the one the Gnostics embrace is found in the depths of the human heart. Which one do you want to trust for your eternal destiny? Could there be a more important seminar for you to attend?

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Urgent Seminar: Trojan Horses and Spiritual Deception

In keeping with the series of articles I have written about our ‘Trojan Horse in the Church’ seminar, I felt compelled to write about the topic of spiritual deception. In fact, our seminar is subtitled ‘addressing spiritual deception’. This really needs some explanation.

We must understand the nature of spiritual deception, because it is of a different ilk than other types of deception. For example, if I deceive you into buying my car which won’t start every time, won’t shift from 3rd to 4th, and burns a quart of oil every 100 miles, you will, in time, come to realize what I did to you. I withheld critical information from you. I lied to you outright about questions you did ask. In short, I hoodwinked you.

Had I given you full and complete disclosure, you probably would have been dissuaded from buying. However, there’s still hope to make things right. Now that you’re driving the car, the truth is emerging. You’re beginning to realize that I misrepresented the car and deceived you. Soon you’ll be calling me into account or you’ll be calling your lawyer to force me into just compensation. The truth is surfacing.

Now, with spiritual deception, it’s a bit different. The truth cannot be apprehended that easily. In fact, it requires the grace of God to extract you out of the lie. For example, I may sell you on the idea that the earth is a spiritual being, or that you can commune with the divine by looking within your own heart, or that Jesus is merely a great teacher, or that there’s many paths that lead to God. And you may buy it. In fact, you are predisposed to believe it because it panders to your pride. It feeds your own sense of self-reliance. Once you have bought it, though, and you live it and experience the results, there’s no way out of the maze. None whatsoever. You fall deeper and deeper into the abyss of my deceit to the point where you begin to teach others the same lies. You have no ability — within yourself — to extricate yourself from this trap. All the corrective information delivered to you with the greatest persuasive arguments will not rescue you.

When Peter declared to Jesus that “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God”, what did Jesus say in reply? “Good job, Peter! Your powers of deduction have served you well!” No, that’s not at all what he said! Rather, He said, “…this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in Heaven.”
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Cults, false religions, world religious systems, and false expressions of Christianity all have very bright and capable scholars. There’s no lack of intellect or scholarship. What there is, though, is a severe lack of humility to seek from God that which only God can supply — illumination to the Truth. Without that, they will never come out of darkness into the light. One hundred years of study by the most capable scholar will get him nowhere with God. Unless God provides what he cannot provide for himself, he will remain in his abyss of lies.

Thus, this is the difference between deception in the natural realm and deception in the spiritual realm. One can be exposed by natural means; the other requires two things. First, it requires men to forcefully and cogently to declare the lie for what it is, and contrast it with the Truth about God. This is where our seminar comes in. We intend to do just that. But this alone will not persuade you of the truth. Just like Peter, you will need the Lord of heaven and earth to reveal these things. This we call the Grace of God.

Our seminar is designed to expose spiritual deception that is present in the Church today. We intend to do what we can to bring these issues to light. We may be able to persuade, but we cannot convince. Convincing you of the truth is the ministry of the Spirit of God.

So, we urge you to sign up and hear what we have to say. But more than that, we urge you to prayerfully ask our Lord to provide illumination.

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Urgent Seminar: This Conspiracy is More Than a Theory

History is replete with conspiracies. Perpetrating an evil act in secret agreement with others is part of human depravity. To think otherwise is naive at best.

Dr. Peter Jones (who will be speaking at our seminar!) has written a book entitled Stolen Identity: The Conspiracy to Reinvent Jesus. This is the most evil conspiracy in all of history. That’s why I am am so passionate about our upcoming seminar. We must face this conspiracy head-on if we have any hope for Christianity to survive.

Of course, from a divine perspective, Christianity will survive just as long as the good Lord determines. But I am speaking from a human perspective, and I can say with assurance that true Christianity is in deep, deep trouble. It is rapidly being replaced by a counterfeit Christianity — one that looks OK, seems to be genuine, appears to honor Christ. But it is not. It’s as phony as a three dollar bill.

Gresham Machen: "Only two views of Jesus and the World"

In his book, Dr. Jones quotes the great American theologian Gresham Machen. Machen was the Princeton Seminary warrior who fought liberalism in the 1920’s and ’30’s. He could smell the rat, and was in no mood to befriend it. He knew that men’s souls were at stake and he was having none of it. I thank God for Machen — he defined the battle lines and gave the saints courage to stand their ground. Of course, there were the defectors too, who maligned him viciously and ultimately defrocked him from the Presbyterian Church. So it was with these traitors — they did everything in their power to silence the messenger. But God’s message cannot be silenced, and everyone will give an account.

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Wow. Let’s stop right here. This need to be absorbed. Can Machen be right about this? Only two views of Jesus? Only two views about the world? Not dozens, not hundreds? Just two?? What did he mean by this? The implications are enormous. If one is true and one is false, then this smacks of a conspiracy. This demands some explanation!

I will have to leave you on the cliff at this point. I have no alternative because the explanation deserves more space and more expertise than I have to give. This is why our seminar, ‘The Trojan Horse in the Church’ is so critical. We have assembled the men who will speak on these issues and can provide the explanations. Christians, I beg you — please come. This opportunity may not come around again. As Jesus said, “Night is coming when no man can work.”

In advance, I suggest you read Dr. Jones’ book. We’re privileged to have him speak at our seminar, and so you’ll get to meet him. A little preparation will enrich your experience.

I cannot stress this enough. There must be clarity on who this ‘Jesus’ is we worship. It’s not a minor issue — in fact, it’s an issue of life and death.

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Against Heresies: The Spirit of Irenaeus

In our present-day battle with Gnosticism and in view of our upcoming seminar, I think it’s worthwhile to reflect on our predecessor in this long war, Irenaeus.

Consider the Gnostic’s notion that they possess some secret knowledge conveyed to them by oral tradition, originating with Christ Himself. Even today’s Gnostics labor to find an historical continuity to their beliefs. So, if this were true, Irenaeus would surely be a Gnostic. For it was he who learned from Polycarp, who learned from the Apostle John, who, as we all know, learned from Christ. Surely, John would have whispered this knowledge into the ear of Polycarp. And Polycarp, you would think, would have whispered the same into the ear of Irenaeus. If this is the way it happened, Gnosticism has solid footing.

Yet, we know that Christ made a point of teaching everything in full view of the public eye, not withholding anything from anyone. He told Annas the high priest, “I have spoken openly to the world. I always taught in synagogues or at the temple, where all the Jews come together. I said nothing in secret.”

Ok, so Jesus says He taught nothing in secret, but I guess that’s not quite true. The Gnostics say he did. So, who did Jesus tell these secrets too? You’d think he would have told John, the apostle ‘whom Jesus loved’. And John would have told Polycarp, and Polycarp, Irenaeus. Yes, definitely. Irenaeus would be the one to establish Gnosticism. He’s got the right connections. So, what did Irenaeus have to say about all this? Let’s take a look.

Fortunately, we have Irenaeus’ complete five-volume work to take a look at. It’s called ‘Against Heresies’ which scholars believe was written around 180 A.D. So, what heresies was Irenaeus concerned about? Was it that the idea that Jesus is the eternal Son of God, that He became a man, that He really died on the Cross and resurrected from the dead? Surely, these must be the heresies that Irenaeus would be speaking about. After all, these are the things that Gnostics detest, and Irenaeus would detest them too. Right?

But wait. Upon closer examination, the book’s name, ‘Against Heresies’ is the common name for it. Actually, Irenaeus named it, ‘On the Detection and Overthrow of the So-Called Gnosis.’ Wow, that doesn’t sound too good for the Gnostics. Perhaps Irenaeus wasn’t a Gnostic after all. Perhaps he was Gnosticism’s greatest enemy. Hmmm….

He begins the first volume by stating, “I have felt constrained, my dear friend, to compose the following treatise in order to expose and counteract their [Gnostics] machinations.” This, then, is the beginning of his vicious attack on the Gnostics, not mincing words.  Here’s a few excerpts:

“These men falsify the oracles of God, and prove themselves evil interpreters of the good word of revelation.”

“By means of specious and plausible words, they cunningly allure the simple-minded to inquire into their system; but they nevertheless clumsily destroy them, while they initiate them into their blasphemous and impious opinions.”

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“Their language resembles ours, while their sentiments are very different.”

“I exhort everyone who will listen to avoid such an abyss of madness and of blasphemy against Christ.”

“I shall also endeavor, according to my moderate ability, to furnish the means of overthrowing them, by showing how absurd and inconsistent with the truth are their statements”

“Such, then, is their system, which neither the prophets announced, nor the Lord taught, nor the apostles delivered, but of which they boast that beyond all others they have a perfect knowledge.”

In addition to these statements, Irenaeus goes on to name names. His readers are not left wondering who he is talking about. Of particular concern was Valentinus.

“I refer especially to the disciples of Ptolemaeus, whose school may be described as a bud from that of Valentinus.”

Furthermore, Irenaeus goes on to attack Cerinthus, the Ebionites, Nicolaitanes, Carpocrates, Saturninus, Basilides, Simon Magus, Menander, Marcosians, Ptolemy, Colorbasus, and especially Valentinus.

So, this was the spirit of the man Irenaeus. He had a huge impact on the Church which still endures. I suggest we need to adopt his attitude, and take up the fight with the same vigor. Please sign up for our seminar, and enter into this war!

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Christian Booksellers Promote Gnosticism

The urgency of our Gnosticism Seminar and subsequent 48-hour course was driven home once again this week as I took a tour of the Christian booksellers online. I wanted to find out what authors are currently speaking out on this issue, with the hope we might find more support in this battle.

Peter Jones is the one Christian voice who has spoken out on this issue. Jones is an adjunct professor at Westminster Seminary and the author of several books on gnosticism, including Cracking Da Vinci’s Code, The Gnostic Empire Strikes Back, Gospel Truth and Pagan Lies, and Spirit Wars. But other than him, there’s a deafening silence in Christianity on this insidious disease that’s destroying the Church.

It’s tough going for those who seek to publish works that war against gnosticism. None of the major Christian publishers carry Jones’ works — not Zondervan, not Tyndale and not Baker. Nor do they carry any other books on the topic for that matter.

To put things in perspective, consider Zondervan’s current top ten best sellers. At number one (and number nine in paperback) is Rick Warren’s Purpose Driven Life. It would take more space than I have here to address Warren’s ministry, but let me just say that he’s a disciple of that other Guru of positive thinking, Robert Schuller. He’s a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and actively promotes the one-world government agenda. He adopted Peter Drucker’s methodology of psychological manipulation (for business), using it to build a huge following of so-called believers. He’s so far afield of orthodox Christianity that you couldn’t find him with the Hubble telescope. Yet, this is the author that Zondervan promotes, because there’s big bucks at stake.

Also on the list we see other great works such as Jesus for President by Shane Claiborne, Velvet Elvis and Sex God by Rob Bell, and for light reading, they have the novel Between Sundays by Karen Kingsbury. None of these books come close to representing the historic Christian Faith.

So, I went to hoping that there I’d find something on gnosticism. And sure enough, I did. There’s several books there on the topic — but they promote it rather than condemn it! Let’s start with The Gnostics: The First Christian Heretics by Sean Martin. This favorable view of the gnostics starts by claiming that the early church fathers “were fanatics with an axe to grind.” Then we see Rethinking Gnosticism by Michael Williams. The title gives it away — we need to rethink our hostility towards the gnostics, because they “have been greatly misunderstood.”
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Finally, sells Forbidden Faith: The Secret History of Gnosticism to The Da Vinci Code by Richard Smoley. Here’s the back cover introduction:

“Forbidden Faith provides the enduring story and continuing legacy of those errant faithful who have had direct experiences of the divine that can’t be explained by the official beliefs of the Church.”

So much for the exclusivity of Biblical revelation. Among Mr. Smoley’s contributions to humanity, he’s also written The Dice Game of Shiva: How Consciousness Creates the Universe. Perhaps he’s more of a Hindu than a Christian. Could it be?

So, there you have it. The great saints of the early church are being attacked by these revisionists who cannot stand for the historic defense of the true Christian Faith. And these Christian publishers are all too willing to go along. I guess we’re just too critical of those nice Grecian warriors popping out of the Trojan Horse — they’re misunderstood and we’re fanatics with an axe to grind. Never mind that they are slaying everyone in the church; we’re overreacting.

So, I hope you can see the reason for the urgency for the seminar and course. We aim to take a stand, regardless of the complacency of our brothers.  Mark the date — don’t miss it. It’s way too crucial.

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